مسؤول الشكاوي المصرفية

Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006 (BO Scheme) 2006

(for redressal of complaints against banks covered under and on grounds listed in clause 8 of BO Scheme)


Office of the Banking Ombudsman – I Mumbai

C/o Reserve Bank of India

Address: 4th Floor, Byculla Office Building, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway station, Byculla, Mumbai – 400 008.

Telephone No: 022-2302 2028, Fax No: 022-2302 2024,

Email ID: cms.bomumbai1@rbi.org.in

Office time: 10:00 AM to 5:45 PM (Monday to Friday)

  • The jurisdiction of the Banking Ombudsman – I Mumbai covers the districts of Mumbai, Mumbai sub-urban and Thane.


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