Al Rafiq Wedding

Offer your children the wedding of their dreams

Would you like to …

  •     Provide your children with all the wedding needs?
  •     Prepare your children to celebrate their wedding night?
  •     Ensure the happiness of your loved ones on this important occasion?

Start now… with Al Rafiq Wedding … to grant your children the chance to celebrate the most important day of their lives.

AL Rafiq Wedding provides you with …

  •     A flexible way of saving that suits your monthly income and the duration you see appropriate.

  •     A guaranteed long-term investment designed specially to provide you with sufficient funds to make your children happy on their wedding day.

Main benefits for Al Rafiq Wedding:

  •     Payment of the investment account balance to the policyholder upon maturity when his/ her child reaches 25 years of age.
  •     Waiver of premiums in case of death or total and permanent disability (God forbids), the company will continue paying all future premiums on behalf of the insured until maturity date.
  •     Available in different currencies EGP or USD.
  •     Flexible premium payment frequencies (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually).
  •     Possibility of making additional payments, so long as the policy is valid, to increase the investment account balance.

To subscribe to Al Rafiq Wedding: 

  •     Policyholder should not be less than 21 years of age at the beginning of the insurance. 
  •     Insured should not be less than 18 years of age and not over 59 years of age at the beginning of the insurance.
  •    Beneficiary should be between 1 month and 15 years of age at the beginning of the insurance.
  •     Minimum monthly premium is EGP 500 or USD 50. 
  •     Minimum policy duration is 10 years.

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